Always on the road, powered by plants and fuelled by indignation, Zero Again only have two gigs remaining for this year;
Thursday 16th November
Saturday 18th November
So now they start looking for what’s next. Where do they need to play in 2024?
The books are open to promoters, so drop us a message if there is anything you want Zero Again on and we'll try to make it work.
The first gig of 2024 with the subhumans back in brum looks like it will sell out soon too.
There's a last few copies of Zero Again's blistering album 'A deep appreciation of suffering' remaining, which was recently reviewed by Welly in his excellent, long-running Artcore fanzine, saying "Three members of too many other bands to mention join forces with a deranged homeless man who wanders around the audience gurning and bellowing whilst pulling his t-shirt over his head. Anarcho hardcore with hefty clumps of Rudimentary Peni and Icons Of Filth thrown in with the sounds of some of the members other bands such as Grand Collapse and Regret. Heavy without being metal and raging without being thrash, this is an album with a lot to say wrapped in some nice artwork."