The new video and digi-single ‘Summer of '99’ by Verse, Chorus, Inferno is taken from their upcoming split LP with Weekend Cigarettes entitled 'Weekend Inferno' set to be released in March '25 jointly by I Buy Records, Punk Rock Radar, High End Denim Records, Cats Claw Records, Pasidaryk Pats Records and Engineer Records.
You can watch the video here:
And stream the track here:
The concept of the song is pretty simple: All summers are great, but there's a summer that changed our lives forever. Summer of '99 wasn't just an awesome time for us, but it was also a magic moment in which many of our favourite bands released some of our favourite records. The lyrics of this songs reference some of those (and a couple of records published before... can you spot them?), remembering an incredible time that won't ever come back, but will stay with us forever through music.
VCI are: Gabriele Cucinella - Vocals, Guitar
Mattia Cimadoro - Vocals, Guitar
William Tessaro - Drums
Marco Roncoroni - Bass
Summer of '99 was recorded and mastered by VCI and Christopher H Fogal at Black in Bluhm Studios, Swiss branch.
Summer of ‘99 (lyrics)
In the heat of the last summer of the millennium hearts ablaze on concrete streets Blue Skies over Teenage Politics Straight Ahead, walkmans and anthems Rosco’s mixtapes blasting our Guitarded minds it was just Summer nineteen ninety nine Summer ninety nine record stores cheap beers and free shows Summer nineteen ninety nine We deserved More Betterness that we would get soon Trashed and Feelings on repeat Just Hopeless Romantics with no strings Summers never last forever but when fall came we’ve been given The Decline And it was Summer nineteen ninety nine Summer ninety nine Something to Write Home About was Summer nineteen ninety nine Summer nineteen ninety nine Summer ninety nine Summer nineteen ninety nine Summer nineteen ninety nine record stores cheap beers and free shows Summer nineteen ninety nine Summer nineteen ninety nine Summer nineteen ninety nine Something to Write Home About was Summer nineteen ninety nine.
Verse, Chorus, Inferno. are a punk rock band from Como, Italy who started back in 2007 with a European tour. In the lockdown of 2020 they worked on new music again and recorded their first full length album. This is the brilliant 'Flying a Delorean To 2007' and it tells eleven stories about their 2007 tour, life on the road, the lockdown, friendship and the will to play together again. The album includes ten great original tracks and a rocking cover of Fleetwood Mac’s 'Dreams', featuring Sandro from Forty Winks as guest vocalist. You can still pick up a copy here.