Tired Radio will be back on tour next month, from the 6th to the 22nd January, and they will be 'Coming for everyone' so we'll see you in the ball pit!
1.6 Philadelphia, PA @silkcitydiner
1.7 Pittsburgh, PA @thegovernmentcenter
1.8 Akron, OH @theofficialmusica
1.10 St. Louis, MO @sinkholestl
1.11 Nashville, TN @thecobranashville
1.12 Atlanta, GA @starcommunitybar
1.13 Gainesville, FL @looseyspub
1.14 Sanford, FL @sanfordpunkfest
1.15 St. Petersburg, FL @ TBA
1.17 Charleston, SC @tin_roof_charleston
1.18 Durham, NC @rubiesonfivepoints
1.20 Chatham, NJ @twinelephantbrewing
1.22 Brooklyn, NY @goldsoundsbar
Poster: @mariekc
Tired Radio's brilliant 'Patterns' LP and other releases are in the Engineer Records store.
