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'The War On Sparrows' has begun...


We are super excited to announce the release of Break To Broken's album, 'The War on Sparrows'.

This superb LP "summons the soul of the 80s and 90s Do It Yourself hardcore scene and showcases an impressive range; spanning from ripping punk bangers to introspective, dreamy indie rock, with a dash of melodic pop thrown in for good measure."

The album is available for pre-order now on classic black 12" vinyl via the Engineer Records store and will ship any day now!

You can also visit for US/UK ordering options.

Break To Broken's debut record, 'The War On Sparrows' is also available on all digital streaming platforms right now , as well as on limited edition cassette from Ripcord Records.

Many thanks to Charlene at Ripcord for her ongoing support.

We’re extremely proud of this record and can’t wait for everyone to hear it. There are links to find it on your preferred platform here:

Thanks in advance for listening.

"Post, Post-Punk Pioneers: BREAK TO BROKEN resurrect the sound and spirit of the DIY good old days through modern means."

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Engineer Records is a truly independent alternative record label with over 400 rocking releases out in the world.

We believe punk rock is an ethic, even more than a sound, and have been promoting both brand new and well-known bands equally since our formation as Ignition Records back in 1999. The label is based in the southeast corner of England but has partners and distributers all over the world.

We are always looking for great bands and ways to promote our artists and their releases. 
Please contact us if you can help in any way. Let's work together.

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