After playing the first forty-four dates on their current tour, the longest run of dates in the bands existence, The Dreaded Laramie are driving home, happy and exhausted, for a few days break. But they will be back at it again from 28th July in Cincinnati.

Upcoming dates on The Dreaded Laramie 2023 tour:
7/28 Cincinnati OH @motrpub
7/29 Detroit MI @lagerhousedetroit
7/30 Chicago IL @subtchicago
7/31 Milwaukee WI @clubgaribaldi
8/1 Minneapolis MN @undergroundmusicvenue
8/2 Madison WI @theburoak
8/3 Peoria IL @ cavern club
8/4 Bloomington IL @cometogetherspace
8/5 Clarksville TN @revelhouseclarksville
10/27-29 Gainsville, FL @thefestfl
You can still pick up a copy of their 7" picture disk, 'Everything a girl could ask', as well a T-shirts, caps, bags and tour posters from the bands bandcamp, and catch their video for 'Tell Me' on the bands Linktree.
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