About Leaving have been working on a beautiful and powerful new album called 'Scupltures of water' and we are very excited to be working with them to release it late spring / early summer.
The first single from it, 'As light' has just been reviewed by RockZone magazine in Spain: https://www.rockzonemag.com/estrenamos-el-nuevo-single-de-about-leaving/ and there's a video link here: https://youtu.be/Qe-SH1O_BlQ too.
Another track, 'Dance & tremble' has been revived by Binaural here: https://www.binaural.es/exclusiva/estrenamos-en-exclusiva-un-nuevo-tema-de-about-leaving/amp/ and agin you can check out the track through this video link: https://youtu.be/CMAg2P9bzkA
About Leaving's previous album 'An Echo' was also released on Engineer Records alongside various European labels and is now more or less sold out. The beautiful and powerful new album 'Sculptures of water' will be released on vinyl with Engineer, Navalla, CGTH and I'm Not Going Anywhere Tonight records.
Before that there will be videos for the songs ‘Feigning colors’ and ‘Conversations in a car’.
