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Premiere: Blackest Heart share video for “Wild”


Thoughts Words Action have premiered Blackest Heart’s new video for “Wild” today.

The single from their upcoming mini-album, “There Will Be Light”.

You can buy/stream album HERE

From blinding light through pitch-black darkness and back:Blackest Heart has been on the scene since 2024. They’re fearlessly grabbing modern rock by the horns and racing across lush soundscapes filled with hook-laden details, electrifying changes of direction, and playful finesse. With their EP “There Will Be Light” they explore a vast spectrum of powerful post-hardcore and modern rock music. Where do they come from? Where are they heading? It doesn’t matter. Their songs burst with playful escapades, unrestrained emotion, and a blend of stylistic influences.


“Our music knows no boundaries,” says Chris, the guitarist, who has been making music with singer Jake for over 25 years. But this band is breaking new territory for both of them. “Blackest Heart feels different from anything before.” The band is completed by drummer Marco and bassist Sandro. The four don’t tick off the predictable standards, but subject their flood of ideas to one motto: “Song is King.” What a song needs, it gets. “Yes!” without limitations. “Go!” without limits. Where anything is possible and nothing is necessary, there is usually more to be found.


Blackest Heart dive headfirst into modern rock and punk, taking breaks to catch their breath in electronic soundscapes, only to suddenly jump up again and hit where it hurts, between alternative rock and post-hardcore. At times, their sound is edgy, exemplified in the song “Ruthless” featuring Kellin Quinn from Sleeping with Sirens who infuses the track with a fresh blend of clarity, venom, and intensity. Other moments emanate a hazy atmosphere, such as in “No Limits” where ethereal keyboards intertwine with stunning harmonies. Then it’s jagged, like in “Closer,” which only lets the fearless get closer with wild tempo changes, but ultimately grabs everyone. These tracks can be astonishing, as in “Party Manifesto,” which escalates into a punk orgy before ending in an irresistible drum and bass finale. Finally, embracing the world in”Evolution,” which captivates instantly with catchy hooks and a pounding heart.


This eclectic rock ‘n’ roll frenzy draws inspiration from scene milestones, including bands like Bring Me The Horizon and Blackout Problems. And, like these international genre colleagues, Blackest Heart is not afraid of complex sonic experiments, shimmering effects, and atmospheric soundscapes. They live and love every verse, every chorus, every lick on “There Will Be Light”. You can hear it. You will feel it. With each listen, more and more. Danceable. Tangible. Unpredictable. Unmistakable. Unstoppable. A breathless deep-dive into the soul of rock ‘n’ roll in our time. Right from the start. With a jam-packed EP in their luggage, telling more stories than many commercially available double albums.

Close your eyes, open your ears, hold your breath: Blackest Heart will carry you-through the darkness, straight into the light.



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Engineer Records is a truly independent alternative record label with over 400 rocking releases out in the world.

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