The official lyric video for The Dreaded Laramie's 'Archipelago' is out now and we're very excited to share this new femmecore classic with you all.

The friendly masked marauders broke into your mum's front room and jammed this track out with melodic guitar solos and catchy choruses while you were still sleeping. You can put the video on repeat here to see what they got up to:
"What began as a late night conversation between friends in a basement over the holidays has turned into the greatest labour of love since we tackled hand animation for 'Goggles'. Using a mixture of 2021 studio footage from the talented @jacurio and the mind-bending creative input of 'the machine', this lyric video weaves between behind-the-scenes studio jams and surreal aquatic dreamscapes. It’s our crinkled, watercolour self-portrait and we’re hanging it on the fridge (YouTube) for you to enjoy".
The credit for this video goes to our friend @gustathabusta / @gusb_draws, who not only developed an AI image engine, but also successfully taught us how to use it (a somehow even greater feat it seems). What a collaborator! We were so lucky to get his technological insight, of course, but even more so his bright creative input and imagination.
Thank you as always to @junipertapes for your wisdom And of course to @selltheheartrecords, @wiretaprecords, and @engrecsguy.
'Archipelago' written by The Dreaded Laramie and Adam Meisterhans
Produced by Adam Meisterhans
Recorded, Mixed, and Mastered by Justin Francis
Taken from The Dreaded Laramie’s sophomore EP 'Everything A Girl Could Ask' out now on Sell The Heart Records, Wiretap Records and Engineer Records.
NB. This song may or may not be about a group of islands.