Our buddies over at Mass Movement magazine have premiered the new video single by Calm. today!
Entitled 'Eat shit everyone' it's a friendly reminder that politicians and people can suck.
Ash, the lead singer and guitarist of Calm. commented,“Covid-19. Wasn’t it fun? Being stuck inside the house, having very little to distract you from the fact that most of the time our brains want to kill us? All a person needs in that situation is to witness the worst kind of childish, reactionary human selfishness that can only come from suburban mouth breathers fighting to secure near-industrial quantities of basic necessities. Bliss.”
As well as launching the new video single Calm. have been working on promotions for their upcoming EP, 'Our Twenties' with a gigging and PR push. As part of this and thanks to Raphael, their Brazilian bassist, they just appeared on G1 TV over there, the equivalent of BBC1 here, with this article: https://g1.globo.com/sp/santos-regiao/noticia/2022/09/19/brasileiro-chega-a-londres-como-engenheiro-entra-para-banda-inglesa-fecha-com-gravadora-e-sonha-com-shows-na-terra-natal.ghtml
Calm. have a couple of gigs coming up with Bear Away very soon but before that they have two shows in one day. This Saturday, 24/9, they will be at:
Harrogate - Benefit show - Bilton Working Mans Club, Harrogate
Sheffield - The Harley - Second headline - Tattoo convention
Then, in October, they will play:
Sunday 9th - Packhorse w/Bear Away, The Lock and Keys and Character Actors £5 OTD
Wednesday 12th - Key Club with Cold Years & Torus ... Tickets: https://thekeyclub.seetickets.com/event/cold-years/the-key-club/2378234
Saturday 21st - Santiagos w/ I Tell Lies, ADHD & Atoms of Lunar. Get along if you can.
Check out Calm. 'Our Twenties' EP here: https://open.spotify.com/album/7e27bJ2ENVcTqWBi3rq0mN
And their previous video single, 'Reptile brain' here: https://youtu.be/Pg7YOLZHV6I