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King of Pigs nominated in Louder Than War's album of the year


'After Victory Comes Defeat',the fourth album from Nottingham’s infamous hardcore wrecking crew King of Pigs, and their first for Engineer Records has smashed its way straight into Louder Than War's list of the albums of the year so far.

If you want to find out why LTW are worshipping at the altar of the insanely fast and infectious 'After Victory', set your digital sights to hardcore destruction and tune in, turn it up and slam your heart out with King of Pigs. All hail the new King…



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Engineer Records is a truly independent alternative record label with over 400 rocking releases out in the world.

We believe punk rock is an ethic, even more than a sound, and have been promoting both brand new and well-known bands equally since our formation as Ignition Records back in 1999. The label is based in the southeast corner of England but has partners and distributers all over the world.

We are always looking for great bands and ways to promote our artists and their releases. 
Please contact us if you can help in any way. Let's work together.

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