This weekend Hell Can Wait will be playing @attitudefestivaluk on-stage SUNDAY @ 6:15PM
Make sure to come down and check out as many amazing bands as possible.
Tickets and info at :
The band have been back in the studio writing new songs to follow up their recent single 'Mother Mercy' and their blistering and brutal debut, 'Love. Loss. Hope. Fear.'

Hell Can Wait have also been booked to tour with Last Hounds this November!
These shows will be great and tickets are on sale now.
Thanks to Avocado Booking for booking the run and Discovered Magazine for presenting!
18.11.22 Birmingham @ Asylum 2 19.11.22 Neath @ Dros Ben Tan 20.11.22 Bristol @ Exchange Basement 21.11.22 London @ New Cross Inn 22.11.22 Manchester @ Retro 23.11.22 Glasgow @ The 13th Note 24.11.22 Huddersfield @ The Parish
Tickets and info:

#hellcanwait #lasthounds #unitedkingdom #melodichardcore #ukhc #ukhardcore #avocadobooking #dscvrd #discoveredmagazine #vennrecords #genetrecords #engrecs