The beautiful vinyl LPs arrived this week and I Like Allie's rocking new album 'Rare instances of independent thinking' is now out across all digital platforms too. You can order the LP here.
Check out what the mighty Punk Roquette - podcast and music had to say about it:
“I like the mix of influences - I can hear some Lawrence Arms, Jimmy Eat World, and some pop punk riffs too - and the great arrangements on the album, as well as the collabs they made with Laura Stevenson.” (Thanks for the nice words!)
The band will be hosting Pogo Zine's PUNKFAST today where they will have four treats (and especially breakfast) with Franz Barcella. See you here . Hangover guaranteed.
Then they'll be heading on to a gig at Bocciodromo Vicenza with Life Is Strage! Menagramo! Shelt ! Slow Rush & We can't wait!

Paper + Plastick Engineer Records NoReason Records General Soreness #ilikeallie #rareinstancesofindependentthinking #punkroquette #PogoZine #LifeIsStrage
