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Hell Can Wait

Hell Can Wait all share the same love for real, honest melodic hardcore. The 5 piece from the south of England truly leave their mark with raw, heartfelt lyrics and a harsh vocal performance. Their relentless drums and melodic guitar lines create a sonically sombre, yet beautiful experience of hope. 


With multiple UK and European tours on the books for 2022, including an appearance at Leperfest 2022 w/ Stick To Your Guns, Terror, One Step Closer. HCW are currently working toward a follow up release to their November 2021 LOVE.LOSS.HOPE.FEAR EP which gained press through Kerrang!, No Echo, ThoughtsWordsAction, Planetmosh and over 50,000 streams across multiple services.

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Thoughts Words Actions:

Here is another one of the recent releases by Engineer Records. It’s a collaborative release between this prolific British record label and Belgian Genet Records. If you paid close attention to our pages a couple of months ago, you probably noticed some posts about this band. Hell Can Wait is a melodic hardcore quintet from Brighton, UK. Love.Loss.Hope.Fear. is their debut extended play, heavily promoted with four outstanding singles by Engineer Records, Genet Records, and the band itself. Seriously, if you caught up with activities of this melodic hardcore band, it’s obvious they burst with enormous quality. Therefore, I will talk about this debut EP a little bit more today.

Love.Loss.Hope.Fear carries six energetic melodic hardcore numbers that follow all the contemporary trends of the scene. Still, that doesn’t mean Hell Can Wait sounds like the other groups that currently roam the beforementioned scene. Quite the contrary, the band invested some impressive ideas while making this material, so Love.Loss.Hope.Fear sounds fresh, unique, and entertaining from scratch to finish. You could even notice with those aforementioned singles that this band sounds completely different from the remainder of the melodic hardcore scene. Of course, some recognizable moves, maneuvers, and acrobatics are there, but Hell Can Wait tries to avoid repetition as much as possible. Judging by Love.Loss.Hope.Fear, they successfully did it.

Hell Can Wait solely relies upon darkened, saddened, melancholic, emotive melodies, harmonies, and themes. Still, the group incorporates massive riffs, chord progressions, and palm-muted chugs on the other side of the sonic spectrum. The band continuously levitates somewhere between melodic and heavy sides, with the energetic low-end notes and rhythmic performances involved during the entire process. The basslines contribute to the massiveness of their sound, while the exceptional drumming performance delivers fast-paced, mid and half-time beats. The lead vocalist delivers the messages through a characteristic mix of shouts and screams. It’s a singing technic that works in advantage of these songs. As I said before, Hell Can Wait invested brilliant ideas and exceptional musicianship in their debut extended play, so you should check out this recording as soon as possible. Love.Loss.Hope.Fear is available on compact disc (Engineer Records) and vinyl record (Genet Records). Pick up your weapon of choice and blast it loud.

-Djordje Miladinović


Diving straight in with a band who are, fittingly, from Architects’ Brighton hometown, Hell Can Wait deliver dense, dramatic, expressive hardcore. It's music that grabs you by the heart, pulls you close and whispers into your ear, 'Life is so hard, but everything will be okay.' I mean, they don’t literally say that, but high levels of catharsis are experienced with every listen, believe me. Or, better yet, try it for yourself below.

-Alex Baker

On The House:

LOVE.LOSS.HOPE.FEAR is an absolute beast of an EP that any hardcore fan will appreciate, let’s make that clear right from the get-go. The production is on-point, the vocals are gut-driven but not too forced and unnatural, which is what personally turns me off of a lot of hardcore bands so already I’m fully invested after the first track. Musically formidable and aggressively unapologetic, this EP isn’t for the faint-hearted.

Dipping out from face-smashing melodic hardcore and blending into emo-influenced riffs throughout this EP gives HELL CAN WAIT some dynamic relief from the wall of noise that surrounds these sections, but ultimately this release is a power-fueled machine that can’t be stopped. “LOVE.LOSS.HOPE.FEAR” could slide easily onto any popular melodic hardcore playlist and be right at home – well done chaps!

-Marcus Osbourne

Planet Mosh:

Up next were Brighton based Hell Can Wait making the long journey to entertain us and they did with an incendiary seven song set that kicked off with ‘Mother Mercy’ that gave no mercy from a Napalm Death like rant that crawled to a sludgy midsection and a belligerent wall of sound into full on stomp and ear wax shifting feedback. Other highlights came from the slightly more laid back ‘Withered Hearts with a touch of ambience from a Hundred Reasons like vibe until they kicked into gear with a drum driven cathartic rant. ‘Harbourside’ was a snare drum driven rollercoaster ride to hell and back but my set highlight was ‘Fading Light. It’s all angular rhythms that made for a disturbing listen (in a good way) as a calm midsection careered towards twin guitar overload, one of which looked uncannily like Stephen Carpenter from the Deftones.

-Dennis Jarman

Download press sheet here
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Engineer Records is a truly independent alternative record label with over 400 rocking releases out in the world.

We believe punk rock is an ethic, even more than a sound, and have been promoting both brand new and well-known bands equally since our formation as Ignition Records back in 1999. The label is based in the southeast corner of England but has partners and distributers all over the world.

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